Engaging in Activities Together to Help Bring in the Christmas Season

In the spirit of holidays and the Christmas season we thought it would be nice to focus on cultivating and nurturing a closer bond with your child with some heartwarming and soul enriching ideas. Here are a few of our favorites:

Engaging in activities together to help bring in the Christmas season, such as baking the annual Christmas cake and cookies. Perhaps an arts or crafts project designing their own Christmas decorations that they can proudly hang up on the tree.  What a rewarding feeling for children when they see and/or taste the finished product knowing that they were involved in the creation.

Enjoy a Christmas lights tour.. This is an incredible way to get into the holiday spirit. Many of the houses are decked out in the most magical and enchanting ways that is sure to send a tingle through your spine.

There are usually a number of free or inexpensive festivities organised in every neighbourhood such as Christmas carols, nativity plays, snowball shows etc. Do a bit of research on what is going on in your neighbourhood and take the kids. Fun and uniting for the entire family.

I love a good movie and during this season a Christmas movie is a must. Plan a movie marathon with the kids, break out the popcorn, sit back and relax.

A very special and heartwarming way to involve our kids in the giving spirit of Christmas is to participate in some kind of charity act, such as donating some of their old toys or buying gifts for donation.

All of these are delightful ways to celebrate the Christmas spirit, this is of course transcended by the focal point which is to do it together with your child. What an enriching experience for parent and child.